April 7th, 2010
Tags: How To, JavaScript, Programming
My favorite jQuery plugin by far has to be the jQuery Cycle Plugin. It’s a generic slideshow plugin, but it’s versatile enough that I’ve used it to build a slider, a portfolio, and just recently, an iPhoto-like image flipper. This was inspired from the CJ Image FlipBox. Unfortunately, the way the plugin is designed, you can’t mesh it with Fancybox because the plugin creates an anchor and an image which intercept the mouseclicks preventing the Fancybox from activating. So to get around the problem, I used the Cycle plugin to create my own.
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April 3rd, 2010
Tags: Apache, Flash, Ruby on Rails
Flash assets like an FLVPlayback skin will typically be located in your public folder. However, according to, “in a loading scenario, the skin SWF for the FLVPlayback component must be relative to the loading HTML file containing the parent SWF on the server, not to the location of the loaded SWF.” This is bad, since when you load a page, the URL will typically be /:controller/:action, which means the FLVPlayback skin URL will be /:controller/myskin.swf even if your parent SWF is in /public. You can verify this in Firebug on the Net tab. The problem will manifest itself with a loaded Flash movie with no controls. You can fix this by creating a rewrite rule in your .htaccess file.
RewriteRule ^.*/myskin.swf$ /pathto/myskin.swf
Any request ending in myskin.swf will be redirected to /pathto/myskin.swf under the public folder.
March 20th, 2010
I tried integrating XMonad using the “recommended” way of setting up a gdm desktop profile to call a custom xmonad.start script which manually loads Gnome and then starts XMonad. I didn’t get very far. Here’s what finally worked.
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January 21st, 2010
Tags: CSS, Typography
I read an article titled, “Modern CSS Typography and Font Styling Examples”, and though mistakes and omissions weren’t major, I felt compelled to comment on them. My comment got so long, I figured a quick blog post would be better than a long-winded comment.
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