Posts Tagged ‘JavaScript’

My favorite jQuery plu­gin by far has to be the jQuery Cycle Plu­gin. It’s a generic slideshow plu­gin, but it’s ver­sa­tile enough that I’ve used it to build a slider, a port­fo­lio, and just recently, an iPhoto-like image flip­per. This was inspired from the CJ Image Flip­Box. Unfor­tu­nately, the way the plu­gin is designed, you can’t mesh it with Fan­cy­box because the plu­gin cre­ates an anchor and an image which inter­cept the mouseclicks pre­vent­ing the Fan­cy­box from acti­vat­ing. So to get around the prob­lem, I used the Cycle plu­gin to cre­ate my own.


I launched my new port­fo­lio to show­case some of the work I have accom­plished over the past year. I tech­ni­cally launched it at the begin­ning of the week, but didn’t add the last item until today. I put it on a sep­a­rate domain so that I can brand myself and have a site focused on my work, plus any vis­i­tors would not be dis­tracted by my blog posts.

It’s built using Word­Press, but you wouldn’t know it by look­ing at it. This way I can add and remove sam­ples eas­ily. I opted to go with a (mostly) single-page site. There’s a sec­ond page for a con­tact form. jQuery and var­i­ous plu­g­ins han­dle the dynamic fea­tures. I def­i­nitely pre­fer this over what I had before.

Feel free to check it out by click­ing the Port­fo­lio link above.

This post is a bit over­due con­sid­er­ing the project for which I did this was com­pleted months ago. I finally got around to doc­u­ment­ing it. Magento’s prod­uct list view lets cus­tomers add prod­ucts to the shop­ping cart one at a time. The client wanted cus­tomers to be able to add mul­ti­ple prod­ucts to the shop­ping cart simul­ta­ne­ously. Given the time con­straints for the projects, I cre­ated an ad hoc AJAX method to accom­plish this fea­ture request.


I finally got around to spin­ning off MyGoogle­Cal as a sep­a­rate web­site. I opted to rename the script to RESTYLEgc to avoid step­ping on Google’s toes. It was some­thing that’s been ges­tat­ing over the past year. I com­pleted the site over the hol­i­day week­end since I had the time avail­able. The new site is at I’m also host­ing the script at Google Code, and I even added a Google Group to facil­i­tate dis­cus­sions. After see­ing the com­ments top 100, I real­ize a blog really isn’t suit­able for lengthy dis­cus­sions. Hope­fully, the forum and wiki fea­tures will be bet­ter for the end-user.

I updated MyGoogleCal4 with a small bug­fix this week­end as well. That will be the last update. Future devel­op­ment will con­tinue with RESTYLEgc. Since the code was orig­i­nally pub­lic domain, I opted to go with an MIT open source license. I also got the code in a Sub­ver­sion repos­i­tory which I should’ve done a long time ago. With the Issues tab at Google Code, I can bet­ter track and encour­age bug reports and fea­ture requests.

The code is still free, but paid sup­port is avail­able. I’ve also got some other ideas of where I want to take the site. So stay tuned!