When cod­ing web pages, a com­mon prob­lem is align­ing (link) text ver­ti­cally, often in rela­tion to an icon. This is eas­ily accom­plished by set­ting height and line-height equal and by adding padding for the icon which is set as the background-image cen­tered vertically.

a {
  background:url('16x16icon.png') no-repeat left center;
<a href="#">Link Text</a>

But what if the link text needs to span more than one line for the given width? What if the icon is taller than the text height?

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The users for one of my clients started com­plain­ing about not being able to use the Out of Office Assis­tant for Out­look 2007. They recently upgraded to Office 2007 from Office XP. This was after they upgraded to Exchange 2007 about 6 months prior. I did not do the ini­tial setup for Exchange 2007 and the other server upgrades, but I’ve been com­ing in now and again to cleanup problems.

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So accord­ing to Dar­ing Fire­ball Apple’s new iPhone Devel­oper Pro­gram License Agree­ment effec­tively bans Adobe’s Flash-to-iPhone compiler.

CS5 is this­close to release and the iPhone com­piler is the flag­ship fea­ture in this ver­sion of Flash. They’re pretty much roy­ally fucked.

Plus Apple has already made its posi­tion clear on Flash. Per­son­ally, since I’ve never been a slave to brands, I don’t have much of a stake in either com­pany unless one of my mutual funds hap­pens to invest in one. Yet, the way I see it, Adobe can really give Apple the big “Fuck You” if it wanted to, sim­ply by no longer pro­duc­ing any of its Adobe soft­ware for OS X. Now see­ing how design­ers and design houses invest heav­ily in Macs sim­ply to run Adobe soft­ware, should that plat­form no longer become avail­able, what do you think is going to hap­pen? Is the entire graphic design, web, print, and pub­lish­ing indus­tries going to aban­don all its invested know-how and sim­ply pick a new defacto indus­try stan­dard, or are they going to switch to Windows?

As reported on Almost Done, Apple appar­ently has its own iPad-specific web frame­work, which Jim Hoskins has dubbed AdLib. If you don’t own an iPad, you can still have a look at it by spoof­ing the user-agent cour­tesy of Life­Hacker.

Mozilla/5.0(iPad; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B314 Safari/531.21.10

I tried Fire­fox and Chrome using their respec­tive user-agent switcher plu­g­ins, but didn’t get very far. So go into Safari and select Develop->User Agent->Other… Paste in the above string, click OK, and make sure it’s active. Next nav­i­gate to iPad User Guide and check it out. Here’s hop­ing Apple will be releas­ing it inde­pen­dently or as a part of the SDK. Here’s also hop­ing it’s iPhone-compatible.