Posts Tagged ‘iPhone’

Jan­u­ary, last year, I had thought per­haps my switch to Apple would begin with the first rev iPhone. By the time the iPhone debuted it didn’t pro­vide a good enough value propo­si­tion for me then. Fast-forward to July 12th, and you would have found me stand­ing in line to buy an iPhone 3G.


Are you really sav­ing any money? Not really.

2-year con­tract iPhone (8GB) iPhone 3G (8GB)
Phone $400 $200
Voice $960 $960
Data $480 $720
Total $1840 $1880


The iPhone, after years of spec­u­la­tion, rumor, hope, and antic­i­pa­tion, finally debuted yes­ter­day. The flurry of acco­lades and crit­i­cisms (for a demo prod­uct mind you) exploded over the next 24 hours, as Asia and Europe woke up to the news, and the com­men­tary hasn’t slowed down since. I’m going to hold off on my final judg­ment until June, but as far as first impres­sions go, this one was amazing.
