The Olympics are over. How­ever dur­ing, it annoyed me how the media out­lets ranked the medal totals either count­ing total medals or count­ing total golds. Nei­ther option accounts for the rel­a­tive val­ues of the medals. The for­mer treats all medals as equal, whereas the for­mer dis­re­gards the value of the other two medal col­ors. As oth­ers have pro­posed, a weighted medal count makes the most sense, the sim­plest being gold = 3, sil­ver = 2, and bronze = 1. With that the top five rank­ings are as follows:

Coun­try Gold Sil­ver Bronze Weighted Total
CHN 51 21 28 223
USA 36 38 36 220
RUS 23 21 28 139
GBR 19 13 15 98
AUS 14 15 17 89

It’s inter­est­ing to note how close China and the USA match up.

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