Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

As much as I knock Taco Bell and its ilk these days because my palate has aged and broad­ened, I still have a fond­ness for a par­tic­u­lar menu item that I thought was extinct. I was mis­taken. How grate­ful I was to have stum­bled upon I Need Chili Cheese because it showed me that the Chili Cheese Bur­rito still exists, at least in select mar­kets. Taco Bell cor­po­rate does not offi­cially man­date the item be put on menus, but leaves the choice up to indi­vid­ual fran­chises, and my local restau­rant pur­port­edly does! Next time I drop by, I know what I’m order­ing. So for those a’hankerin’ for some melty, meaty good­ness, go find the near­est Taco Bell that car­ries it.

Now, I just need to con­vince Wendy’s to bring back the Smokey Bacon Cheese­burger. I’m not the only one who thinks so.