Posts Tagged ‘How To’

I stum­bled upon while look­ing for some local groups that matched my inter­ests. I noticed that each group has its own cal­en­dar. Since I hack Google Cal­en­dar, I was won­der­ing how to get a Meetup cal­en­dar on Google Cal­en­dar, rather than man­u­ally adding events by hand. Here’s how…


My DeLi Linux computer’s main appli­ca­tion is an inter­net access “kiosk” for guests who stay at my house. To this end I needed the machine to auto­mat­i­cally login the guest user and launch Firefox.


Chang­ing the IceWM start menu but­ton is actu­ally eas­ier than I expected, and you don’t even have to be logged in as root to do it. It turns out that you can over­ride any theme image if it’s in the same rel­a­tive loca­tion under ~/.icewm. Every­thing else will remain unchanged. So let’s change the start menu but­ton for the default theme in DeLi Linux (goldiKwarc).


After load­ing DeLi Linux I was a lit­tle dis­ap­pointed with the way things looked. Fonts were WAY too small. So I started pok­ing around to find a way to rec­tify the sit­u­a­tion. I saw this nifty lit­tle app in the IceWM Start menu called Font Selec­tor (xfontsel). Unfor­tu­nately, the pro­gram is cursed with a name that makes you think it does more than it actu­ally can. The Font Selec­tor sim­ply pre­views fonts based on a series of prop­er­ties you select. Ini­tially, it didn’t seem to be all that use­ful, until I fig­ured out how that font selec­tion syn­tax was used.
