Posts Tagged ‘Multiplayer’

So I was skim­ming through the lat­est EGM (Issue 210), when lo and behold, I come across a pre­view about Cross­fire. Along with Army of Two and Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, this trio of games make-up the genre of buddy games. With all the advances in tech­nol­ogy the gam­ing indus­try pro­duces year after year, it floors me that it took them this long to pro­duce games that are coöper­a­tive by design, where the single-player mode is the alter­na­tive rather than the default. Unfor­tu­nately in this ini­tial release, the num­ber of play­ers are lim­ited to two. My gam­ing bud­dies and I would love to have more coöper­a­tive, adventure/action games. At least this bud­ding genre gives me hope.